The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

  I had no idea who Brandon Sanderson was until I recently read The Rithmatist. I enjoyed the book and did some googling to see what else Mr. Sanderson had written. Low and behold, he has this massive and highly praised body of fantasy work! Where had I been? Still I hesitated because I am a Rothfussian and feared that any fantasy that wasn't part of the King Killer Chronicles would only disappoint.
I am so glad I was wrong!
I was pleasantly surprised to find that Mistborn is a brisk, engaging tale with vibrant characters that felt fresh. Plus the ninjas with physics powers are an added bonus.
The magic system of Mistborn (Allomancy) is very physically present, detailed without being overwhelming, and fun. The magic fights are very dynamic and immediately bring to mind a childhood glee, the kind that makes you want to rush outside and launch yourself into the air, pretending to be an Allomancer.
I am so glad I read this, I needed a reminder that epic fantasy can come in many different shades.